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9 years 7 months ago #4421 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# sizlar uchun dilnoza nodira mubina

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
    Sizga ushbu foydalanuvchi(lar) RAHMAT dedi: dilnozz, frozen
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    9 years 7 months ago #4422 dilnozz

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  • Replied by dilnozz on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    Mubina1995 wrote: keche kuni erim bilan buyerninhg eng kotta istirohat bogiga borgandik gul#

    uyer juda kotta ekan kachilalar ham qurqin chilik mazza ilib aylandik tarihi teatrlar kurdik

    juda qiziq buldi %mua#

    kiyin erim bir kachilaga chiqelik dep qoldilar man qurqaman siz chiqa vering dedim voyvu@

    kiyin man oldizda manku qyrqmen dip chiq maganşmga quy madilar %mua#

    bır balant bıno edi ichidan har hil baqirgan ovoz kelardi %hihi$ bır amallab kursiga

    utirdim hamma yoq qorongu biradan tepaga kutarila boshladik 150 metr balant lkda tuhdab

    tepadan shaharni tomosha qilib tursak bazi yigit qşzlar sanashdi boshladş 1 2 3 4 5 deganda

    kotta tezlita pastga tuship kettik ovozimni boricha baqirdim yerga 10 metr qoganda bir

    silkinb tuhdadi boshida qyrqan bulishimga qaramay usha kachilada uchish manga juda yoqdi

    uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@ uree@@

    Mubiina mazza qilib sizku

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4423 frozen

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  • Replied by frozen on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    vayyy mazza qilibsilarda Mubina man hujayinimga kachelalarga olib borin disam yoq uzizi uylamasez ham balamizi uylen dilla ^xoxo$ yana muz uchirgani kankigayam bormoqchidi ungayam ruxsat bermadila yiqilib tushasiz dib hali uchishni bilmisiz dib ruxsat bermadila ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4424 dilnozz

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  • Replied by dilnozz on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    mahfuza wrote: gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# sizlar uchun dilnoza nodira mubina[/quohfuzahhĥhte]

    Mahfuza shunaqachiroyli korinadi shu gullar rahmat

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    9 years 7 months ago #4425 Mubina1995

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  • Replied by Mubina1995 on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    dilnoza sultonova wrote: Mubina sizga juda havasim keldi araab til8ni organyapsiz man ham judayam qiziqaman arab tilini organishga hozir rusda emas balki biror bir arab davlatida yashaganimizda bemalol gaplashadigan bolib ketarmidim mult: rus tiliga unchali qiziqmiman shu sabab haliyam tilini yahshi organa olmayatgandurman mult:

    dilnoza apa man uzim ham arab tiliga oldinda juda qiziqaedim nasib qilgan ekan urganyapman

    aytganizde arab tili juda chiroyli va qiziq uziga yarasha qiyin til

    sizham İN SHAA ALLOH kelajakda arab davlatga sayohat qilsez urganib olasiz oo%^

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
    Sizga ushbu foydalanuvchi(lar) RAHMAT dedi: dilnozz
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    9 years 7 months ago #4426 frozen

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  • Replied by frozen on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    mazza eri hotin yolgiz aylanib yurishi ahir bu romantikaku a :dugona$ bu paytlarimiz ham ganimat kelajakda farzandlarimizga kulib aytib berish hammaizga ha nasin qilsin inshaalloh %mua#

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    9 years 7 months ago #4427 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    mazza qilibsizlarku men ham hojaynim bilan shunga ohshash amerkanskiy gorkaga chiqgandim u ham juda qorqinchlik edi lekin esdan chiqmas ekan %ZZ@ %ZZ@ %ZZ@ %ZZ@ %ZZ@ %ZZ@

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4428 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    frozen wrote: mazza eri hotin yolgiz aylanib yurishi ahir bu romantikaku a :dugona$ bu paytlarimiz ham ganimat kelajakda farzandlarimizga kulib aytib berish hammaizga ha nasin qilsin inshaalloh %mua#

    aytganiz kelsin ilohim yaho: yaho: yaho: nodira londonda tugmochimisiz

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4429 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    dilnoza sultonova wrote:

    mahfuza wrote: gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# gul# sizlar uchun dilnoza nodira mubina[/quohfuzahhĥhte]

    Mahfuza shunaqachiroyli korinadi shu gullar rahmat

    ha dugonajonim menga ham yoqadi hozir

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    9 years 7 months ago #4430 Happy woman

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  • Replied by Happy woman on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    Salom qizla men yangimannnn uncha muncha tushunmadim lekin forumde commentlani uqib tezda ruyhatdan utib oldim molodes

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4431 Happy woman

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  • Replied by Happy woman on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    Californiada kimla bor mmm%!@

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    9 years 7 months ago #4432 dilnozz

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  • Replied by dilnozz on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    frozen wrote: mazza eri hotin yolgiz aylanib yurishi ahir bu romantikaku a :dugona$ bu paytlarimiz ham ganimat kelajakda farzandlarimizga kulib aytib berish hammaizga ha nasin qilsin inshaalloh %mua#

    Ha bu paytlarrimizni ham gashti bor ilohim aytganiz kelsin nodirahon bolalarimiz aytib beradigan chiroyli otmishimiz bolsin hammamizni

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4433 Mubina1995

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  • Replied by Mubina1995 on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    frozen wrote: vayyy mazza qilibsilarda Mubina man hujayinimga kachelalarga olib borin disam yoq uzizi uylamasez ham balamizi uylen dilla ^xoxo$ yana muz uchirgani kankigayam bormoqchidi ungayam ruxsat bermadila yiqilib tushasiz dib hali uchishni bilmisiz dib ruxsat bermadila ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$

    haa yoringiz tugiri aytip tilar hozr siz uzingizni ehtiyot qilishiz kere oo%^

    olloh sizga solih soliha farzand bersin amiyn %mua#

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
    Sizga ushbu foydalanuvchi(lar) RAHMAT dedi: frozen
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    9 years 7 months ago #4434 dilnozz

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  • Replied by dilnozz on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    Happy woman wrote: Salom qizla men yangimannnn uncha muncha tushunmadim lekin forumde commentlani uqib tezda ruyhatdan utib oldim molodes

    Hush kelibsiz hapiy voman gul#
    Manimcha kaliforniyada hech kim bolmasa kerak forumda mmm%!@

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4435 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish @@qotish hush kelibsiz happy women safimizda korganimizdan judaham hursandman ozingiz haqida yozing

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4436 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    nimalar qilib yuribsiz californiyada ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$ ^xoxo$

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    9 years 7 months ago #4437 Happy woman

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  • Replied by Happy woman on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    :rah# 24 ga kirganman bitta ug'lim bitta qizim bor uchinchisiga homiladorman #yahoo##

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    9 years 7 months ago #4438 Mubina1995

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  • Replied by Mubina1995 on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik& sharik&

    salom, Happy woman wrote hush kelip siz 1welcome tanish ganimdan hursant man %mua#

    Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$totalProtected in /home2/newuzbab/public_html/components/com_kunena/template/aurelia/layouts/message/item/top/default.php on line 194
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    9 years 7 months ago #4439 Happy woman

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  • Replied by Happy woman on topic Eski online suhbatlar
    Uyda belorchilik bolala bilan

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    9 years 7 months ago #4440 mahfuza

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  • Replied by mahfuza on topic Eski online suhbatlar

    Happy woman wrote: :rah# 24 ga kirganman bitta ug'lim bitta qizim bor uchinchisiga homiladorman #yahoo##

    zorku oo%^ oo%^ oo%^ oo%^ havasim keldi

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